sábado, 11 de junho de 2016

Estratégia de Marketing Digital.

Artigo: https://www.entrepreneur.com/article/270452

Para obter retorno no investimento realizado numa estratégia de marketing digital é necessária, obviamente, uma certa preparação e tempo, visto que o impacto não é imediato e pode ser planeado a longo prazo.
Este artigo revela-nos algumas dicas para colocar os recursos tempo e dinheiro da melhor forma possível nas estratégias de marketing digital.

1. Measure how long a purchase actually takes.
Many entrepreneurs aren’t aware of the importance of purchase cycles. If your product costs $70, for instance, your purchase cycle will likely be more than a month long, which means you won’t see most of the money you’ll make until after that time frame.
To better appreciate how long it takes for a good ad to perform, monitor how long it takes for someone to make a purchase, from the first time he or she visits your website. Citing our experience with Facebook ads, for example, we find that it typically takes two to four months to actually see a trend in results.
The longer the purchase cycle, the more money you’ll need on the front end, so understanding this time line will help you estimate your cash needs up-front.

2. Put a price on your leads.
If you’re expecting direct responses from your digital marketing, you won’t be able to scale properly. To help you evaluate which strategies to pursue, you should first understand how much each lead is truly worth. (Try this tool if you need help.)
You may be laser-focused on converting your site’s visitors into paying customers -- each of which is worth, say, $100 to you -- when it would be more lucrative to go after $10 email addresses, which have more direct response, quicker conversions and lower costs per lead. If so, you’ll likely want to optimize your efforts based on that strategy rather than on smaller-focus conversions.

3. Redefine how you measure success.
Once you understand how purchase cycles fit into your customer’s journey toward buying your product or service, you may have to start monitoring and measuring success differently. You can calculate the half-life to measure success, as opposed to thinking, “I just spent $300. Why didn’t I sell $300 in products today?”
For example, if you know your purchase cycle averages 30 days, and you’ve made half of your money back after 30 days, you’re on track. Other long-term metrics to take note of include click-through and bounce rates, quality scores and time on site.”

Muitas vezes pode ser necessário mudar ou reformular a estratégia, mas o esforço será decerto recompensado.

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