sábado, 8 de maio de 2010

What is the secret for the successful of Wal-mart?


Wal-mart is one of the world's largest corporations. Wal-mart is very successful in having its ability to offer the products at low prices depends on the contributions of people in all of the company's departments such as marketing, purchasing, information system and operations. Please feel free to make comment on it!

2 comentários:

  1. Em Novembro começou a ser testado no nordeste do Brasil a “Loja da Comunidade”, do
    Wal-Mart. Nela, há um centro de serviços ao lado da área de vendas, onde os consumidores
    podem, entre outros, ter acesso a consultas médicas, cursos profissionais para conseguir
    emprego ou emitir documentos. Tudo a custo zero ou a um valor simbólico. Privilégios
    constroem relações.

  2. I am glad to see a post from our foreign student.

    In fact,I did not know what are wall-mart.
    but i can urderstand, now, what are the intention and i think it's very useful.
