segunda-feira, 26 de março de 2012

Fiscocracia e os ‘kits’ de libertação!


Simon Black, um consultor muito específico destes tempos obscuros e incertos, tem como filosofia central o que ele chama ‘Sovereign Man’. Há dias, ele perguntava: “Are you in control of your income today?”
E respondia logo: “You should be. To own your income is one of the key factors in becoming truly sovereign. And the only real way to own your income is to start your own business.”
Claro que como o que define um bom consultor é a capacidade de encontrar imediatamente a solução adequada, ele tinha-a: “Good news is that there’s never been a better time to get started. Thanks to the internet more and more people are achieving financial independence every day through their own online business. If you want to get started with building your online business, or take your existing one to the next level, I highly suggest you pay my friend Craig Ballantyne’s website a visit. Right now he’s offering a free Financial Independence Starter Kit over at Craig’s not joking around when it comes to business.”
“Until next time”, despede-se o Simon, deixando um aviso: Click here to claim your starter kit

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